Peru ◦ Food | Peru, undoubtedly, is a culinary paradise!


最後更新/Last Updated:2023-11-10

During my stay on the Reeds Island, I had conversations with visitors from France. In Peru, the dish that they adore, available everywhere, budget-friendly, and endlessly satisfying, is "Chaufa".

◦ Chaufa

What kind of cuisine is that? Despite having tried numerous Peruvian dishes, I had absolutely no idea!

After a quick Google search, I discovered that Chaufa is simply a dish called "Chinese fried rice." At that moment, I couldn't help but think, "Come on! I am from Taiwan. How does Peruvian Chinese fried rice compare to the fried rice in Taiwan?"

I was still curious about Chaufa, which had captivated the French. So, I decided to give it a try. Accompanied by a yellow sauce made from yellow peppers, cheese, garlic, and milk, the Chaufa surprised me with its rich layers, reminiscent of the complexity of "cheese risotto." It's easy to understand why the French adore this dish so much. Even as someone from Taiwan, I found myself indulging in it for several consecutive days.

◦ Marinated Raw Fish

In Peru, my absolute favorite food is "Ceviche," which I indulged in everywhere from traditional markets to restaurants! Ceviche's main ingredients include flounder, trout, yellowtail, and shellfish, combined with squid, fresh shrimp, octopus, and finely chopped purple onions. It is then mixed with various aromatic spices and marinated extensively in lemon juice. Refreshing, juicy, and delightfully sweet, this appetizer is simply unbeatable! Following my love for Japanese sashimi, Italian carpaccio, and Thai spicy and sour raw shrimp, my passion for raw cuisine has led me to become a fan of Peru's ceviche, a dish of lemon-marinated raw fish!

Alpaca and Guinea Pig