Pingtung ◦ Kanding | A Township Filled with the Aroma of Sesame Oil | TAIWAN 368–27 by YU-LING 2025-02-19 YU-LING 在冷颼颼的夜晚,來碗麻油雞蛋麵線是我最大的享受,環視廚房的調味料,特地從崁頂搬回來的胡麻油還剩半瓶,一想到濃郁麻油香能陪伴我度過這個冬天,安心了不少。 READ MORE 2025-02-19 39 瀏覽次數 1 FacebookTwitterLINE
Pingtung ◦ Linluo | A Village Full of Hakka Charm | TAIWAN 368-13 by YU-LING 2024-11-06 YU-LING 麟洛給我的第一印象,就是這個鄉鎮的人們好溫暖、好團結! 由於歌手彭佳慧是麟洛人,她在發行首張客語專輯後,麟洛的鄉親們紛紛在自家商店或住宅掛起了紅布條,用充滿創意的客語文字各種花式慶祝。 READ MORE 2024-11-06 138 瀏覽次數 2 FacebookTwitterLINE
Pingtung ◦ Nanzhou | Precious Memories of Taiwan's Sugar Industry | TAIWAN 368-03 by YU-LING 2024-08-28 YU-LING Located in Nanzhou, Pingtung, formerly known as "Xizhou," the town was named after the "Xizhou River" flowing through it. Since there were many places in Taiwan named "Xizhou," to prevent confusion, it was renamed "Nanzhou" in 1956. READ MORE 2024-08-28 287 瀏覽次數 17 FacebookTwitterLINE