Thailand ◦ Chiang Mai | Breathing is an Important Lesson in Learning Thai Boxing


最後更新/Last Updated:2023-09-20

Thanks to my experience with aerobic boxing at the gym, I became curious about Thai boxing. Many of the fundamental techniques in aerobic boxing are derived from Thai boxing. With a little practice, you can experience the practicality and strength of this martial art. While I was in Chiang Mai, I found out there was a Thai boxing class not far from my guesthouse. Without any hesitation, I immediately enrolled for a class the following day.

Even though I thought it was a good idea to choose a morning class with a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, it was still quite challenging. The class lasted for three hours. I warmed up for about half an hour by running and stretching. Then, I learned basic moves and combinations for about two and a half hours. Just doing punches like jabs, crosses, and hooks made me sweat and catch my breath. When I added front kicks, side kicks, and sweeps, I felt like my body couldn't keep up with my brain.

At the beginning, I could chat with the instructor, sharing stories about his time teaching boxing in Beijing. But as time went on, I couldn't even talk properly because I was so out of breath. However, the more exhausted my body became, the greater the sense of accomplishment. I felt really proud of myself after finishing the class!